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Healthcare Data Acquisition: The Journey from Flintstones to Jetsons


Healthcare Data Acquisition: The Journey from Flintstones to Jetsons

It wasn’t long ago that the only way to access medical charts was to obtain direct contact with individual paper documents and manually copy them. In recent years, both the technology and regulations governing clinical data acquisition have rapidly evolved. These changes are positioning provider groups, health plans, and their partners to derive insights from clinical data and improve their ability to provide complete, accurate, and timely care to members.

In this webinar, we’ll explore the evolution of healthcare data acquisition over time and dive into the key drivers of change today. We’ll also discuss what payers and providers need to do to prepare for the future of data exchange and how making these investments can benefit high-priority organizational initiatives now and for years to come.

What You’ll Learn

  • How healthcare data acquisition has evolved over time
  • What regulatory and market factors are accelerating the adoption of new data acquisition methods
  • What plans and providers need to do to succeed with digital data exchange
  • How critical business initiatives can benefit from improved interoperability and digital data acquisition

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